Pure botanicals &
the finest raw
Located in the middle of a biodiversity hotspot called the Pannonicum, the distillery is surrounded by the highest peaks of the majestic Austrian Alps as well as the far-reaching planes of the Hungarian lowlands. The crystal clear waters of the untamed, meandering Leitha river as well as the almost untouched surrounding forests’ flora and fauna heavily influence our products, imbuing them with flavours that have a distinct character typical of this region.
Our professional distillery system, provided by our long-term partner Kovoděl Janča s.r.o. in the Czech Republic, guarantees the finest spirits. Maintained and serviced by our head distiller, this equipment is at the heart of our facility and is not just a breathtaking eye-catcher in its beauty but is also a masterpiece of technology and coppersmith-work. Operated by touch panel, the system is able to run individually created heating programs that are suitable for different types of spirit. This ensures we get the best out of every distillation. Our impressive 200 liter electrical heated copper kettle is connected to one of the most important features of the system, namely a column which is situated at the side.
Here water is withdrawn from the alcohol vapours. The column itself consists of 3 so-called bubble plates, where the alcohol vapours are made to go through a liquid phase, which is followed by a phase where they pass through a water-cooled tube, the dephlegmator.
During the last phase the alcohol vapours pass through the column top which features a huge copper surface called the catalysator. Subsequently, the vapours enter the chiller, where they condense to liquid form. Thereupon the product can be collected in stainless steal storage tanks. Due to the catalytic effect of the copper, hydrogen sulphides are neutralized and customers are able to enjoy a particularly fine and pure tasting product.
The system and technology that we use generates reflux (condensed alcohol) during the entire process. This is transported back into the main kettle to be reheated, which allows us to produce higher proof alcohol than is possible with older single still systems, which require more than one distillation.
Another advantage is that we are able to separate the “heads” (beginning of distillation) and “tails” (end of distillation) more accurately, resulting in higher quality final products.